Business communications and AI in 2024

AI is becoming increasingly integrated into various aspects of business, particularly in business communication. In a 2023 survey called the ‘State of AI in Telecommunications‘ conducted by Nvidia, it was found that telecom companies believe that AI-driven efficiencies are crucial for generating returns on investment. The survey also indicated that 73% of respondents reported increased revenue and improved customer retention and loyalty as a result of implementing AI in the previous year. Read our blog Business communications and AI in 2024 further to find out more.

AI Chatbots

When thinking of chatbots, ChatGPT might be the first thing that comes to mind. However, many businesses are already utilizing chatbots to enhance customer experience and streamline the user journey in their business communications. Embracing this popular AI integration can significantly impact communication. These AI-powered entities act as self-service solutions, capable of rapidly providing information, recommendations, and troubleshooting guidance without the need for human intervention. This serves the dual purpose of meeting immediate customer needs and reducing the workload of human agents.

Call Centers

By 2025, the majority of contact centers expect to use intelligent routing powered by AI to enhance the customer experience. Intelligent routing, a fundamental technology, optimizes customer support by automating call distribution based on AI-analyzed data. Virtual agents can effectively handle real-time customer queries, ensuring prompt and accurate responses. AI can also assist call centers with live sentiment analysis, providing  insights into customer perceptions, allowing human agents to adapt their services as needed. AI can also suggest live responses and provide access to real-time knowledge bases, which enhances efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Services AI can enable mobile telecom providers to offer hyper-personalized services tailored to individual needs and preferences. By analysing behaviours, location data, and contextual information, AI algorithms can deliver customized service bundles, content recommendations, and pricing plans, replacing the need for direct interaction with a human sales agent.