The Big Switch Off best practice plan

The UK is currently upgrading its telecoms network – and retiring old PSTN and ISDN services. In many places it is already not possible to buy new PSTN or ISDN lines, which could create problems for your businesses future expansion plans.  It’s called the Big Switch Off. It’s already started. And yes, your business will definitely be affected. Download The Big Switch Off best practice plan to find out what you need to do right now. You’ll also discover:

Download here a 5-step guide to managing the change – and what to do next

  • How to get ahead of the uncertainty of a forced migration
  • How to maximise this opportunity to improve your comms structure
  • How new telecoms technologies deliver real savings and improve efficiencies, immediately

If you are concerned about future of your business communications, contact us via or call us directly at 0345 812 3800.

Here is some additional information about the PSTN switch off:

  • The PSTN switch off is being carried out by BT Openreach, which is the UK’s largest telecommunications network provider.
  • The PSTN switch off is being phased in, with some areas being switched off earlier than others.
  • Businesses that are affected by the PSTN switch off will be contacted by BT Openreach in advance

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