Modernizing Communication Infrastructure:

Touch Blue's Implementation of a new telephony platform at Jason Kenny Leisure Centre


The following case study examines the successful deployment of an Avaya IP Office by Touch Blue, at the Jason Kenny Leisure Centre in Bolton. This case study highlights the challenges faced by the leisure centre’s outdated PBX system and how Touch Blue’s expertise and the Avaya IP Office brought about significant improvements in communication and operational efficiency.


The Jason Kenny Leisure Centre, located in Bolton, has been a popular recreational facility for many years. However, the centre’s communication infrastructure heavily relied on an outdated legacy PBX system. The system suffered from frequent downtime, limited functionality, and the inability to scale to meet the evolving needs of the centre’s staff and visitors.


Limited Functionality

The legacy PBX system lacked advanced features such as voicemail, call routing, and call reporting, limiting the leisure centre’s ability to provide efficient customer service.

Frequent Downtime

The aging PBX system experienced regular downtime, resulting in communication disruptions and frustrated staff members.

Lack of Scalability

The leisure centre’s PBX lacked the ability for any future expansion plans to accommodate the growing number of staff members and visitors.


Touch Blue proposed the implementation of the Avaya IP Office solution to address the Jason Kenny Leisure Centre’s communication challenges. An on-premise PBX was chosen due to the requirement to reuse existing legacy cabling infrastructure. The Avaya IP Office is a robust and flexible communication platform that combines voice, messaging, and collaboration capabilities into a single solution.

Implementation Process

Needs Assessment

Touch Blue conducted a thorough analysis of the leisure centre’s communication requirements, taking into account the number of users, call volumes, and feature requirements such as voicemail and IVR.

System Design and Configuration

Touch Blue designed a customized Avaya IP Office solution, tailored to the leisure centre’s specific needs and future scalability requirements.

Installation and Integration

Touch Blue seamlessly installed and integrated the Avaya IP Office system with the existing network infrastructure, ensuring minimal disruption to daily operations.

User Training

Touch Blue provided comprehensive training sessions to leisure centre staff, enabling them to utilize the new system's features effectively.

Benefits and Results

Enhanced Communication

The Avaya IP Office solution brought advanced features like voicemail and call routing, improving internal communication and enabling staff to deliver better customer service.

Increased Reliability

The legacy PBX system's frequent downtime was eliminated, ensuring uninterrupted communication and smoother operations.

Improved Scalability

The Avaya IP Office allowed the leisure centre to easily accommodate staff growth and handle increasing call volumes, facilitating the centre’s expansion plans.

Cost Savings

The Avaya IP Office solution optimized communication infrastructure, resulting in reduced maintenance costs and enhanced operational efficiency.


Touch Blue’s successful implementation of the Avaya IP Office at Jason Kenny Leisure Centre revitalized the communication infrastructure, eliminating the limitations of the legacy PBX system. The new solution empowered the leisure centre with advanced features, improved reliability, scalability, and cost savings, ultimately enhancing both staff productivity and customer satisfaction. The partnership between Touch Blue and the leisure centre showcases the importance of modernizing communication systems to meet the evolving demands of today’s businesses

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