Telephone system in the summertime: things to consider

During the summertime, it’s important for businesses to plan for the holiday season and ensure continuous customer support, even with reduced staffing. As many people take vacations during the summer, and especially in August, it’s crucial to think about how to support customers without disturbing employees on holiday. Read our blog “Telephone system in the summertime: things to consider” to find out what you can do today.

One of the first things to consider is the telephone system. By setting up call forwarding for the business number, customers can still reach employees even if they’re not in the office. Calls can be directed to other colleagues during specific hours when an employee is unavailable.

Using a VoIP phone system allows employees to make calls from their mobile phones using their business numbers no matter where they are in the world. This can improve customer confidence and call answer rates.

It’s important to plan in advance to prevent any disruptions. Making sure that business numbers are set up to redirect to an available office or message service can help prevent missing important calls or sales inquiries. Setting up holiday messages to inform clients about trading hours and who to contact for support is also crucial.

Before going on holiday, try to complete software updates and backup important work to avoid any data loss or system issues.

At Touch Blue, we are dedicated to providing reliable and innovative voice services tailored to businesses’ specific needs. Whether you choose our on-premise solutions, hosted services, or SIP trunking, we ensure a seamless and cost-effective voice communication experience.

There are a lot of advantages of  using VoIP telephone system:

  • Low cost 

The cost of services is one of the top priorities for every business. Companies are looking for every cost-saving opportunity to ease the pressure of the market. Switching to the VoIP system can be one of these opportunities.

Not only the installation and maintenance costs of VoIP systems are much lower than traditional telephony, but the calling costs a recurring expense are much cheaper.

Also, there are indirect cost savings. They are a bit harder to identify but can be a game changer for every business.

One of the primal examples is savings with remote working. VoIP system lets employees stay connected thanks to the latest phone features, such as conference calls, instant messaging, video calling and much more. Cutting office space expenses and utility bills can make a huge difference for a business.

  •  Scalability

Scalability is one of the best VoIP features. Every business needs a telephone system that grows with the company, whether it’s a change of location or increasing the number of staff. You don’t have to purchase additional lines or dedicated hardware, making it more cost-effective.

  • Advanced features

The VoIP system has all the latest modern technology features you require for your business communications. It can be tailored for your business accordingly, meaning you do not pay for the features you don’t need to use. There are a lot of useful features, such as video calling and conference meetings, call holding and forwarding, integration with CRM and other app

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