Macmillan Coffee Morning at Touch Blue

Thank you so much to everyone for taking part in Touch Blue’s Coffee Morning for Macmillan Charity. You have all been so incredible and we had a lot of tasty treats enough for the week! Thank you again for your support. There is still time to donate if you missed Coffee Morning for Macmillan. Just … Read More

Christmas Jumper Day 2022

Christmas Jumper Day 2022 is this Thursday 8th of December. WHAT IS CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY? The best day of the year ever! It’s super fun, and it’s easy to take part no matter where you are. Since 2012, amazing people like you have put on their jazziest jumpers for one Friday in December, donated £2 … Read More

BBC Children in Need

BBC Children in Need exists to change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK. Their vision is that every child in the UK has a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential. For several years now we have been taking part in raising donations for BBC … Read More

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Macmillan Coffee Morning is hosted today in Touch Blue’s Head Office, Newbury, for all of our colleagues, and will be making donations through our funding page. The first Coffee Morning happened way back in 1990. It was a rather small affair with a simple idea: guests would gather over coffee and donate the cost of … Read More

Armed Forces Day 2022 Bake Off

Today we are having a bake off day in the Head Office in the support of the upcoming #ArmedForcesDay. There are a lot of tasty treats made by our colleagues! We are also making small donations to the charity of our choice. Armed Forces Day 2022 is a chance to show your support for the … Read More

Red Nose Day 2022

This #RedNoseDay it’s all about you. Yes, you! The people at home, in communities, and even in the office, doing your bit. Because whatever you do, no matter how big or small, you can make a difference. Register now and you will get a free fundraising pack, jam-packed with ideas and inspiration, fundraising resources, and … Read More

Touch Blue is fundraising for Red Nose Day 2022

Next month, Friday 18th of March is Comic Relief Red Nose Day, and we are getting involved! This #RedNoseDay it’s all about you. Yes, you! The people at home, in communities and even in the office, doing your bit. Because whatever you do, no matter how big or small, you can make a difference. Register … Read More