BT announced in 2015/16 that by December 2025 PSTN lines are going to be switched off, meaning that every business will need to migrate to a Cloud telephone system. But are there other signs that it is time to upgrade to Cloud telephony?

Increasing telephone bills

The Covid-19 Pandemic followed by the energy crisis increased the bills of companies more than twice times as in pre-pandemic times. A lot of them are struggling with new realities, avoiding to upgrade telecommunication systems, reducing the time spent on the phone, cutting the staff force down, and shutting the office premises. These actions have a dreadful impact on customer service and business communications as a whole.

But Cloud-based telephony is here to help. By migrating to Cloud, businesses can cut costs without losing customers and partners.

Switching to a remote or hybrid work model

The business world is constantly changing. The recent data shows more than 36% of UK employees are working from home permanently, and around 44% are working hybrid. If your business would like to introduce one of these models, then a cloud-based telephone system is your next step.

Scale up

When it comes to business expansion, it is an exciting time for every owner. However, it can be very stressful at the same time. Additional costs for a new location or new employee can be very high, and sometimes it is not even possible to install the traditional system in the first place.

Luckily, a cloud-based system is fully scalable. It is an easy process to add new users or locations, and a cost-effective too.

Business needs more than just a Calls

In the world of business communication, to stay on top of the competition, you need to constantly look for ways to improve your tools. Modern telephone systems can offer much more than just a call; everything from call features (recording, holding, etc.), to music on hold, live chat, video meetings, and even CRM tools. Consider which tools are the most important for your business, and can help you level up your business.

Are you ready to upgrade to Cloud? Contact our customer service team to find out the best option for you.