In the context of digital transformation, businesses are engaging with customers and one another through different communication channels. Given the variety of options available and the added challenge of remote and hybrid work environments, it is a good practice for most companies to unify their communication channels.

What are unified communications?

Unified communications refer to the integration of various business communication tools into a single point of reference. This integration of multiple services provides easy access and tracking of correspondence. Unified communication solutions also permit the integration of different applications for even greater convenience.

Benefits of unified communications

Productivity improvement

Unifying communication channels has several benefits for businesses. Firstly, it boosts productivity by enabling employees to work efficiently from both office and remote locations. This is particularly important in today’s modern workplace environment.

Reduction in costs

Secondly, it reduces costs by allowing companies to use multiple services that are already in use without incurring additional subscription fees and in-house expenses. Cloud-based voice calling platforms are also a more affordable alternative to traditional methods and offer greater flexibility and fewer location constraints.

Improved company communication

Centralising communication channels also boosts internal communication. Having a single platform for communication makes it easier to contact all employees with vital information and messages. Enterprise messaging applications enable employees from different departments or roles to be assigned to groups that can receive specific messages. Public chatrooms and private messaging make it easier to pose questions and offer feedback.

Improved customer service

Unified communications also improve customer service. Centralised communication channels enable swift communication between customer service team and prompt resolution. Moreover, it allows for better tracking of customer service interactions across various types of correspondence (e.g., email and phone), leading to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

Employee collaboration

Finally, unified communications improve employee collaboration. With the ability to share files, communicate, and chat through one single platform, employees can collaborate more effectively across remote locations. They can work together on the same files in real-time, view a single version history for files, and discuss projects in a straightforward and searchable manner. This makes it easier to track progress and identify tasks that require attention.

If you are interested how unified communications can benefit your business, speak to our customer sales team via email at, or you can call us directly at 0345 812 3800 and they will be happy to assist you.