The adoption of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology as a replacement for legacy phone systems has gained significant traction among businesses. This technology allows for phone calls to be made over the internet and often includes features such as SMS and video call functionality, as well as integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and more. It is said that this technology will soon become essential as ISDN lines, along with older PSTN lines, are scheduled to be switched off by 2025. Therefore, businesses need to begin exploring alternative telecom solutions now to ensure continuity of service.

In the United Kingdom, for instance, despite the fast-approaching deadline for the 2025 PSTN switch-off, 70% of businesses are still using traditional telecoms. If your business has not yet adopted VoIP technology, there are three key signs that it will be a valuable investment.

  1. With the discontinuation of PSTN and ISDN lines in the near future, it is imperative to make the switch to VoIP to ensure continuity of service. A significant advantage of using a VoIP phone system is that phone numbers are not tied to specific landlines and will carry over even if you move offices or work remotely.
  2. Many companies have adopted a hybrid working approach, which means teams are spread across different locations. An on-premises telecom system is no longer sufficient, and companies now require an online communications platform that connects staff members wherever they are in the world.
  3. If your business operates a contact centre and requires greater analysis and reporting, then the adoption of a VoIP solution can provide a telecom system with built-in analytics and reporting. Often integrated with CRM systems, this can provide a great view of customer communications and help to monitor the growth of your team or scope.

In conclusion, the adoption of VoIP technology is no longer a matter of choice but a necessity for businesses that seek to maintain an effective and reliable telecoms system. Companies need to begin evaluating alternative solutions now to ensure a smooth transition and uninterrupted service.

If you thinking to implement a VoIP system for your business, contact us today via or call us at 0345 812 3800 to find out the best options for your business.