A Leased Line is a broadband line, which is a dedicated, fixed-bandwidth, symmetric data connection.

When you use and share a traditional telephone line, your speed can be dropping through the day because of other users. A leased line gives you the possibility to have the whole line just for your business. Leased lines will also give you low latency, which is a handful for the video calls and remote working.

Positives of getting a leased line:

– Ultra-fast speed both upload and download;

– Low latency

– The guaranteed speed with certain providers;

– The line is yours and note shared with the neighbors;

– The security of the Leased Line is on the higher level than traditional phone line;

– They usually come with a static IP address.

On the other hand, the price of installation and maintenance can be quite expensive. The installation can take up to 3 months, and don’t include the phone plans in the price.

If you require more information about Leased Lines. please call us on 0345 812 3800 or email info@touchblue.co.uk.