An effective smart working solution would allow your business to continue even when you cannot reach the office. The Wildix Smart Working solution fully embraces untethered mobility, security, simplicity, and a consolidation of features to ensure an optimal means of remote operation.

The Wildix Smart Working solution consists primarily of four components, three of which are optional but nevertheless may enhance the smart working experience of certain customers: Collaboration (a base software of the solution), CLASSOUND (a VoIP service), Kite (plug-in for websites) and SuperVision phone handset (optional hardware). Together these components form a perfect solution, which fully embraces untethered mobility, security, simplicity, and a consolidation of features to ensure an optimal means of remote operation.

  1. Untethered mobility

This refers to the ability to use a smart working solution in a mobile capacity as soon as it is needed, with no delays whatsoever. Rather than requiring downloads or installations, an “untethered” solution would be usable in a mobile capacity from any device instantaneously. As a result, such a solution would create a seamless transition from an office setting to a work-from-home scenario and incur zero costs from downtime, taking at most a few hours to be remotely configured should initial setup be required.

  1. Security

To be a valuable business solution, smart working must be just as secure as working from the office—otherwise, the risk of working from home could exceed the benefit of having a business continuity plan in place. An effective smart working system must also be secure without complicated measures or external programs, otherwise, there is a risk of employees not using them to work more quickly and without interruption.

  1. Simplicity

Because employees will be in less frequent contact with IT departments while working outside of the office, a smart working solution must be usable with little to no training and encounter few technical problems.

  1. Consolidation of features

If smart working features are spread out across multiple apps and interfaces, employees will spend too much time switching between them to be as productive as they were in the office. Features must therefore be in a unified interface, representing a single, consolidated solution. This will also minimize complexity and training.

Source Wildix.

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