Telephony equipment for remote working is an essential communication tool. When you are trying to organize your home office, business communication comes first to do your work effectively and to keep in touch with your team and your customers. Although a lot of remote workers are constantly relying on messengers and emails, a reliable telephone system is a must-have for any business.

VoIP Telephone system

A cloud-based system is ideal for remote work, as it uses the internet for handling calls, meaning that employees can work from anywhere. Apart from calling benefits, cloud telephony comes with many other advantages, such as conference video meetings, live chat support, CRM, and many more. One of the best cloud solutions for remote work is 8×8. 8×8 is system solution, which transforming the future of business communications, integrating voice, video, chat, contact center, and enterprise-class API solutions into one global, secure, reliable cloud communications platform. 8×8 helps people to be more connected and productive no matter where they are in the world.

Phone handset

When installing your VoIP telephone system, you can choose to handle calls through the handset, or Desktop/laptop. There are a huge variety of telephone handsets to choose from, depending on business requirements. For example, the exclusive desk phone Supervision by Wildix is designed for top managers who want up-to-date data on demand. SuperVision runs on an Android-based operating system and is equipped with an 8” display and removable webcam. This phone allows managers to monitor their company’s telephone activity via the Call Center Wallboard.


A small but very important detail for remote working is a headset. Using a telephone headset makes call handling much easier during the working day, but it’s very important to choose the right one. First of all, headset for remote work has to be comfortable, as employees will probably wear headset all day; secondly, the microphone quality should be clear, without any noise around. We recommend dueled and monoled headsets by Wildix. The DuoLED headset features bi-aural audio, perfect for full immersion in calls. The MonoLED headset is monaural, and with its one luxuriously cushioned earpad, it’s the ideal device for professionals in contact centers.

Both the DuoLED and MonoLED devices are available as Bluetooth version with an exceptionally long battery life of up to 15 hours.

If you are interested in a telephony products for your home office, please contact us via or  0345 812 3800 today to find more information and get a quote.